The Academy has facilities of playgrounds for Lawn-Tennis, Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Badminton, Hockey, Football, Cricket, Skating-Rink and various indoor games, such as Shooting, GYM, Table Tennis, Chess, Gymnastics, Billiards, Weight-Lifting, Wrestling and Yoga etc. The SASA has applied to the Sports Authority of India (SAI) to get their Extension Centre for training of sports persons up to Global Level. The Institution has constructed the separate Sports Complex with all residential facilities to conduct Local/National/CBSE Sports Tournaments throughout the year.
The big Department of Physical Education with all faculties, (four PGT and two TGT) take care of students’ sports activities for 24 hours. Other than the above said games there is provision of the swimming facility that is arranged at District Swimming Pool. Hockey being National Game of India is given all due importance.

Academy has an Internationally reputed Bagpiper and Drum Band Team which is honoured by the Govt. of Punjab while inviting it for State Level Functions. The Band Team has to its credit the invitations from Abroad also. This Band Team is a proud of Academy. The participation in Band Team enables a student to visit high officials in India and Abroad.